At-Home Anti Aging Tips

From swapping your cigarettes for sunscreen to drinking a whopping 2 litres of water
a day, there’s no shortage of expert-approved ways to keep the signs of ageing at
bay. And while we all know that a skincare routine is crucial to the anti aging
process, there are also some lesser-known led mask, but just as effective, at-home tips that
can help you slow down the clock.
The skin around your eyes is thin and delicate, making it the first area to show signs
of aging. A hydrating eye cream can help prevent dryness, which exacerbates fine
lines and wrinkles.

The best home remedies for Anti-aging!!! | NewsTrack English 1
A few drops of essential oil can be added to your daily moisturizer for extra anti
aging benefits Lavender, rose and chamomile are particularly good options for
soothing tired eyes and keeping them looking youthful.
Using a natural exfoliating agent such as a grated cucumber, honey or brown sugar
can help shed dead skin cells that can cause clogged pores and a dull complexion.
Adding a bit of jojoba oil to your mix can also help smooth skin and boost collagen.
If you’re struggling with dark spots or crepey skin on your hands, try rubbing them in
some coconut oil every time you wash them. The oil is naturally hydrating and is
also “hydrophilic,” meaning it loves and attracts water, which can be very beneficial
for skin health. This is also a great way to hydrate dry skin on other parts of the
body, such as your feet.
Picking at blemishes is one of the biggest mistakes you can make, and not just
because it’s annoying – it can also lead to pock marks, scarring, redness, premature
aging and even wrinkles. If you do get a pimple pop it straight away instead of
picking at it or using a hard-core face mask, and be sure to use an emollient

🌱All Natural Anti-Aging Secrets: Diet, Skincare & Lifestyle Tips To  Prevent Aging Skin - YouTube
Consuming a diet full of antioxidants can slow down the aging process by boosting
collagen production and fighting inflammation. Eat a wide variety of fruits and
vegetables, especially those rich in vitamin C, such as berries, citrus, broccoli, kale
and spinach. Try to incorporate turmeric in your cooking, which is known for its
internal and external anti inflammatory properties.
Once you hit your 20s, collagen production starts to decline and this can lead to fine
lines and sagging skin. Increase your collagen levels by eating edamame, which is
high in the isoflavones that mimic the effects of estrogen and promote youthfulness.
Increasing your intake of omega oils is another excellent choice – the healthy fats
can hydrate the skin and boost elasticity.

Author: Yolanda Rose

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